5 Home Safety Devices You Should Have

As a homeowner, you always want to be prepared. Here are five home safety devices you should have:

1. Fire extinguishers. Put one on every floor of your home, plus an extra in the kitchen where the vast majority of home fires start. Multi-purpose A-B-C extinguishers put out all types of fires. Check and recharge when the pressure gauge drops. You'll even get a discount from some insurers.
2. Upstairs escape ladders. Put one under a window in each upstairs bedroom. Practice deploying them.
3. Wireless water alarms. Place under sinks, behind the refrigerator, anywhere water will collect if there's a leak.
4. Automatic shutoff valve for water heater. This cuts off the water supply as soon as it senses a leak.
5. Sump pump alarm. Alerts you to a rapidly rising water level that could mean a flood.

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