Trust Me, You Need It
Credit here: Tonya--
Hey Everyone, my name is Bobby and I wanted to share my story with you.
When I was born in 1982, my dad was just 22 years old. Doing the responsible thing, he took out a term life insurance policy to protect his new family, just in case something unexpected were to happen. A few years later in 1985, my sister was born and the importance of life insurance became even more relevant to our young family. My dad knew that if anything were to happen to him, my mom would need all the financial support possible.
Fast forward several years later. … I was 12 years old, my sister was 9, and my dad was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer at just 34 years old. The doctors gave him just a year to live. He underwent numerous rounds of chemotherapy and radiation. After just eight short months, he lost his battle with the disease and passed away on his 35th birthday.
The life insurance proceeds that were paid to my mom after my dad's passing took care of his funeral expenses and paid for his medical bills. When the time came, that money also put my sister and me through college and allowed us to graduate without the burden of student loans.
Four years ago, I got into the life insurance business and every week I meet with young families and business owners to discuss the importance of life insurance for financial security. As you can imagine, life insurance has played an intricate role in my life. I feel as if it is my duty to carry on my dad's legacy and to share his story with every client that I meet.
If you are a young family with children, I can't stress how important life insurance is! Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and you never know when something might happen to you or your spouse. One question that I repeatedly ask my clients:
"What kind of financial situation would your family be in if you didn't make it home from work today?"
It's definitely not something we want to think about, but definitely an important question to consider, especially if your family depends solely on your income to pay the bills, buy the groceries, etc.
For me, I knowthat if I don't make it home from work today, that my family will financially be taken care of. I know that I will have done my part in making sure that their futures will be safe. I know that Tonya won't have to scramble to pay our bills. I know that she won't have to worry about finding a job. I know that the boys will have food to eat, clothes to wear, and that their college education will be paid in full. Life insurance gives our family a sense of security and peace of mind.
Please, if you don't have life insurance, pick up the phone and get in touch with an advisor today! Trust me when I say, YOU NEED IT!